uart id: uart number. 0 for uart0, 1 for uart1, 2 for uart2..., 0xf will disable uart. uart iomux: uart iomux info, 0 for uartn_m0, 1 for uartn_m1, 2 for uartn_m2...(like uart2_m0, uart2_m1,uart2_m2), ...
研究人员针对恶性外周神经鞘膜瘤(MPNST),探究阻断胶原蛋白与受体相互作用的影响,发现 DDR1-IN-1 可诱导其细胞死亡,为治疗提供新策略。 恶性外周神经鞘膜瘤(MPNST),听起来或许有些陌生,但它却是一种相当棘手的软组织肉瘤。大约一半的 MPNST 与 1 型 ...
据麦姆斯咨询报道,近期,浙江珏芯微电子有限公司(简称“珏芯微电子”)基于自研的高温制冷红外探测器,成功开发国内 ...
HIGHS Upscale interior ambience, fun-to-drive, all-wheel drive availability. LOWS Turbo is not as playful as you might expect, no turbo and manual combo, big blind spots on hatchback models.
Synopsys offers a complete system-level memory interface IP portfolio for SoCs requiring an interface to one or a range of high-performance DDR5, DDR4, DDR3/3L, DDR2, LPDDR5X/5, LPDDR4/4X, LPDDR3, ...
A fundamental of backup is 3-2-1 – often referred to as “the 3-2-1 rule”. But what is the 3-2-1 rule? Is it still of value to all organisations, especially in an era defined by increasing ...