Explore Bosch Advanced Ceramics MedTech innovation in creating a 3D printed ceramic insulating sleeve for laparoscopic tools.
Explore the top companies in ceramic additive manufacturing and how they are shaping the future of technical ceramics.
PioCreat 3D, a global innovator in dental 3D printing technology, is showcasing its latest innovations under the PioNext brand at ...
该研究通过 3D 打印了一种基于水凝胶的仿生阴茎海绵体,其中包含一层可限制拉伸的白膜,可通过静脉阻塞使其充血。在兔子和猪海绵体缺损模型中,植入 3D 打印的海绵体(经过内皮细胞修饰)后,电刺激海绵体神经可恢复正常的勃起功能,且在植入几周后可恢复自发勃起功能,从而恢复交配和繁殖能力。这项研究展示了 3D 打印技术在阴茎生理学研究和功能修复领域的突破性进展,支持了进一步开发用于移植的血管化 3D ...
Not all 3D printers are alike, so here are things to think about when you're deciding what type you should buy ...
Today you are in luck. As we have mentioned countless times before, the 3D printing revolution is here, impacting everything from the medical world to the food industry. In fact, during the ...
In recent years, updates in 3D printing technologies have allowed medical researchers to print things that were not possible to make using the previous version of this technology, including food ...
Printers relying on Cloud-based AI-DLP to protect documents content against PII and PHI data leak Add AI, DLP, card authentication and many other advanced features to Microsoft Universal Print ...
They don't realise 3D printers can print high details. Or they are not aware that PolyJet exists, and it can do entire prints and complex colors and geometries. They also don't know about digital ...
User on PC protecting documents using DLP Data Loss Protection and AI Printers relying on Cloud-based AI-DLP to protect documents content against PII and PHI data leak Add AI, DLP, card ...