IT之家 3 月 22 日消息,诺基亚宣布推出一款型号为“FastMile Gateway 4”的 5G 家用网关,该网关搭载 Wi-Fi 7 技术,主要随附运营商网络套餐进行销售 ...
作为一名长期蹲守工厂车间的嵌入式开发者,最头疼的莫过于复杂环境下的网络部署——高温、粉尘、电磁干扰,随便一个都能让普通路由器“当场罢工”。最近实测了一款山东有人物联网的USR-G817工业路由器,没想到它直接用5G+WiFi6的硬核组合,把车间网络稳 ...
We also used data from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to compare the average speed offered by internet companies in the U.S. to set ... Wi-Fi extender, stick with the cheaper Verizon ...
France-based Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) is targeting hard-nosed Industry 4.0 in global markets with Celona’s private ...
After the launch of Vivo T4x, the Vivo T4 5G is all set to debut in India. Here is what you need to know about its launch, ...