Chen-style Taijiquan was founded in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty by Chen Wang-ting, a famous boxer. 陳式太極拳の紹介: 陳式太極拳は明朝末期、清朝初期に著名な拳法家の陳王廷により創始されました。 Teacher Zhu is now developing a set of ...
There is an old saying in China about trees: older people plant trees to provide shade for the young. This inter-generational way of thinking is an ecological way of viewing our world, to zoom in and ...
2025.3.8 - 2025.4.6 亘画廊于2025年3月8日至4月6日期间,全方位呈现艺术家雷霆的个展“记忆丛林”。此次展览由徐烜担任策展人,陆蓉之担任学术主持,柔强、李若姮作为出品人,郭小力、李征担任艺术总监。以兼备多重学科背景的当代艺术家雷霆的“元语言”美学 ...