A new technique has enabled ultra-powerful MRI scanners to identify tiny differences in patients’ brains that cause treatment ...
多发性硬化(MS)作为一种免疫介导的中枢神经系统脱髓鞘疾病,已成为全球范围内导致青壮年残疾的主要原因。基因与环境的相互作用驱动了MS的易感风险和大脑结构改变。中国是一个幅员辽阔的东方国家,其地域和遗传特征与西方人群存在显著差异。然而,目前尚不清楚中国 ...
Parallel transmit (pTx) 7 Tesla (T) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) changes management in more than half of adult candidates ...
本研究旨在通过脑部7T磁共振成像(MRI)技术描述中国MS患者的脑部病变特征。 从正在进行的中国国家神经炎症疾病登记中心(CNRID)队列中招募MS ...
Ultra-high field 7T MRI scanners - which use a 7 Tesla magnetic field to provide detailed resolution brain scans - are double ...
Tiny brain lesions in people with epilepsy may go undetected by conventional 3T MRI scanners, advanced 7 Tesla MRI provides ...
研究人员开发出一种新型超强功率脑部扫描技术,可能为耐药性癫痫患者提供手术机会。 英国媒体近日报道,全球约有5000万癫痫患者,其中英国36万局灶性癫痫患者中,超过10万人无法通过药物控制病情,手术成为唯一选择。传统MRI扫描难以精确定位脑部病变 ...
The chances of being seizure-free after epilepsy surgery are roughly doubled if a lesion is detected with MRI. Recent ...
But researchers have found a way to use 7 Tesla MRI scanners -- which generate a magnetic field more than twice the strength ...