Here's how South African Car of the Year jurors evaluate a diverse range of vehicles, amid debates on fairness and excellence ...
小米15 Ultra在屏幕参数上同样表现出色,采用了TCL华星C9发光材料,支持522 PPI、3200x1440分辨率以及LTPO 1~120Hz自适应刷新率,同时还具备3200nits的超级阳光屏、100% P3广色域等特性。该机还搭载了龙晶玻璃2.0和超声波指纹技术,支持IP68级防尘防水。 在硬件配置上 ...
I had a tough time with the Mercedes-AMG GT2. I'm not nearly skilled enough to handle it on TC0, and it takes some time to adapt after driving the much slower BMW. As with any vehicle, you need to ...
Mercedes-AMG will be bringing back the V8 engine into future models, Autocar has reported, following the current AMG C63’s departure from the engine layout in the W206 generation. The CLE63 will ...
If you're wondering about the best close-range meta weapon loadout in Warzone and Black Ops 6 Season 2 Reloaded, you're in the right place. Major updates bring significant weapon adjustments that ...
奥迪粉丝翘首以盼的全新一代A6(C9)终于即将揭开神秘面纱,定于3月4日进行全球首发。此次发布将涵盖三厢版与旅行版车型,设计上采用了奥迪全新的设计理念,近日曝光的实拍图让我们得以一窥其风采。 从曝光的全新奥迪A6 Avant旅行版车型来看,新车依旧 ...
I just hope it will have the option to get an M159-AMG-GT3-'20 engine swap. Judging by this teaser, it's not likely Update 1.56 will include a new track. We're all here still hoping Pikes Peak is ...
Car enthusiasts and prospective buyers in South Africa have plenty to look forward to, with a wave of new models hitting the market in 2025. After a strong lineup in 2024, including the next-gen ...
“Mercedes-AMG plans to outgrow the performance market, thanks to a heavily refreshed model lineup from 2026 onwards and a strategic evolution of its portfolio, which will include a next ...
In GT7, you will find a mix of classic race cars and futuristic prototypes. AMG (Aufrecht, Melcher, Großaspch) is the high-performance sector of the Mercedes-Benz brand. Therefore, All AMG cars are ...
In a recent live stream, former professional CoD player Seth "Scump" Abner showcased the overpowered C9 loadout that you can use in Black Ops 6 Ranked Play. The C9 is a submachine gun, known for ...