A good manicure is more than just cuticle maintenance and a coat of polish. The creativity poured onto our nailbeds often ...
为探究吸烟对中国不同性别和年龄组膀胱癌负担的影响及未来趋势,昆明医科大学第二附属医院等研究人员分析 1990 - 2021 年 GBD 数据。结果显示,虽死亡和伤残调整生命年(DALYs)增加,但年龄标准化死亡率(ASMR)和年龄标准化 DALY 率(ASDR)下降,预计到 2036 年仍将下降。该研究为精准防控提供依据。
When Studio Ghibli-style ChatGPT creations took off this week, no one expected the Trump administration to join the trend.
Put on a pair of socks. When the skin is warm, the temperature sensors in your body send signals to the area of your brain that is involved in sleep and temperature. The brain interprets warm skin as ...
Meghan Markle shared an unseen moment from her show "With Love, Meghan" on Netflix. See the clip and catch up about the plans for season 2 of the series.
Alix Earle revealed she is hitting pause on her Hot Mess podcast and switching over to YouTube vlogs for the time being.
Amid political and economic jitters and a softening art market, the city pulses with growing local pride and resilience Read ...
说到下酒菜,你最爱吃啥?今天就跟大家讲讲下班喝点小酒时,可尝试的几道下酒菜,不但满足味蕾,还能解乏! 凉拌猪耳朵 做法:卤好的猪耳朵切薄片,用蒜末、小米辣、生抽、香醋、红油抓匀,撒一把香菜。 味道:脆骨“咯吱”响,酸辣直冲舌尖,蒜香后劲儿足。 酱牛肉 做法:牛腱子冷水下锅焯血沫,加八角、桂皮、生抽、老抽,慢炖2小时,冷藏后切片。
A global study finds that low milk intake is linked to increased colorectal cancer burden, especially in older adults.
Derma-cosmetic brand Dr. Melaxin (CEO Kyoung Hwa Yu) has achieved a remarkable milestone at Cosmoprof Bologna 2025, the world ...
Jenna Ortega wore a dress made of glass on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Fittingly for the release of her new movie ...