Paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen are among the most widely used. While they are all effective for pain relief, they each ...
Customers are being urged to return a batch of hand soap over fears it is contaminated with bacteria, presenting a “microbiological risk”. A recall notice issued by the Government's Office for Product ...
A doctor has urged Brits to check the expiry dates on common household items as they could become toxic if consumed past ...
Cough syrups can carry an increased risk of bacterial growth once opened. Dr Grant said: “Once opened, cough syrups can last ...
A study by a team from Western Michigan University investigated the improvements that could be gained in electrospray ...
The man has entered a plea in a homicide case after a woman was found dead in his mother's home in The Villages.
Decot also injected himself with liquid cocaine. Decot “logged onto his computer and searched for pornographic websites,” but Miller “began to shake badly.” She became unresponsive and fell to the ...
The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) measures your blood sugar before and after you drink a sugary liquid that’s specially formulated for the test. Like the fasting plasma glucose test ...
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as Advil (ibuprofen), Aleve (naproxen), and aspirin, are not recommended for people with diverticulitis. These medications may increase the risk of ...
Before a colonoscopy, a person needs to drink a special fluid that clears their bowels to make any irregularities easier to spot during the procedure. Some people may call this a “colonoscopy ...
Still need a bit more convincing? For celebrity makeup artist Carolina Gonzalez, liquid formulas are the only way to go for all products, especially blushes, thanks to how easy they make it to ...
This medication is available as tablets, capsules, granules, and as a liquid. It also comes as a gel, mousse, and spray that you rub into your skin. Ibuprofen starts to work shortly after you take ...