Thinking that there were kittens stuck in the drain, she went to take a closer look — and saw instead three juvenile civets. They had been stuck there almost the entire day, according to the helper.
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A lot of people in the vfx and animation industries have been on edge this weekend as word spreads that Paris-based vfx conglomerate Technicolor Group is on the brink of total collapse. The entire ...
Indian Mammals traces all of India’s 440 known species of mammals, up from 422 that were listed in the first edition published over two decades ago. The fourth edition of Indian Mammals: A Field ...
Commercial fishing fleets have been playing a key role in trafficking parts of tigers poached in Malaysia, according to research released Wednesday that could help enforcement efforts to save the ...
Researchers learned that fishing boats were also used to carry bear paws and bile, live civets, wild boar tusks and meat, pangolins, monitor lizards and turtles. One person told researchers the ...