近日,康达医院骨一科团队凭借精湛的医疗技术与多学科协作,成功完成一例高难度“ 肩关节反复脱位后重度粉碎骨性Bankart损伤 ”手术,标志着该院在复杂肩关节损伤诊疗领域的专业技术,为全县骨科医疗水平树立新标杆。
Orthopedic surgery is a marvelous field because we can make meaningful improvements in the comfort and function of patients ...
"The most common procedure is a shoulder stabilisation surgery, also known as a Bankart's repair, performed arthroscopically (keyhole surgery). It is minimally-invasive, and it repairs the torn ...
It is the collisions at home plate, when a runner is almost home, that causes the most injuries. Professional baseball players are much more apt to be injured there than in any other type of ...
While most athletes are able to return to the same level of sport after Bankart repair with remplissage, certain groups like throwing athletes have a slightly lower return rate, according to a new ...