Paan leaves, also known as betel leaves, come from the Piper betel plant. They are often used as a mouth freshener or ...
Betel vine cultivation alongside arecanut is a profitable business in India, with steady demand for betel leaves. However, ...
KARACHI: The Department of Plant Protection, which has a reputation for questionable conduct, has been exposed ...
Mangaluru: In a rare community-driven conservation effort, a project was launched recently to identify and revive tree ...
Paan leaves contain carminative properties that stimulate digestive enzymes, improving gut health and preventing bloating, ...
A mass of glossy oval leaves on tree-like branching stems, the money plant (Crassula ovata) is one of the most distinctive indoor plants. It is prized in China and across the globe by practitioners of ...
How to grow: very early April is your absolute last chance to sow these tender fruits, which need a long growing season to do well. For much better results this month buy seedling plants, which can ...
Whole-foods and plant-based diets prioritize plant foods and minimize processed foods and animal products. These diets are associated with several health benefits, such as reduced risk of diabetes ...
When it comes to caring for your plants there are some tools that are essential for saving you both time and effort. A plant mister is one of these. The simple sprayer can help you regulate the ...