Because the scheduled Coronation Durbar next winter of British King ... “I read, I play the piano, I paint. Nice is perhaps the only foreign city which is popular with the Turkish people.
But look more closely, and you will see that Sasmita’s art embraces a violent display of femininity that is unmistakably, and fiercely, modern. On large-scale traditional tapestries and Kamasan ...
Bangladesh Premier League's controversial franchise Durbar Rajshahi have completed 75 percent payment of all their local cricketers on Thursday. Both the franchise and cricketers confirmed the ...
I began chasing him, yelling at the top of my lungs for somebody to call 911.” Fresh paint lines are seen at Whipple and Palmer near Palmer Square Park after crews repainted the lines before stopping ...
A square-shaped formation on Mars, about 3 kilometers wide, has generated interest and speculation. NASA's Mars Global Surveyor captured the image, sparking debates about its origins. SpaceX CEO ...
Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) franchise Durbar Rajshahi's owner Md Shafiq Rahman has promised to complete the payment of all their players, support staff and also clear other related dues by ...
The cheques issued by Durbar Rajshahi to their players for payment have bounced for the second time, leaving the cricketers in frustration and uncertainty. While a fast bowler knows how many bouncers ...
Digital and traditional media must adapt and exist together to keep the Nepali public informed.
Tamil Iqbal played a captain's knock as Fortune Barishal defeated Durbar Rajshahi by seven wickets in the 10th match of Bangladesh Premier League 2024-25 at the Sylhet International Cricket ...
The Square PHP library provides convenient access to the Square API from PHP. This SDK leverages PHP 8.1’s first-class enums to improve type safety and usability. In order to maintain forward ...