Grand Theft Auto 5 on PC has finally received the RT upgrades to achieve feature parity with the current generation ...
A selection of the 10 best Abandonware games from multiple genres and console generations, including racing and horror games.
For example, you can remove transparency and enable blur in Start Menu background, remove transparency totally, change the background color and more.
Want a fast-paced, thrilling 3D adventure as the blue blur? One that sees you fighting against all kinds of robotic abominations while jamming along to an epic soundtrack? Sonic Frontiers has you ...
LCoS projectors provide top-notch picture quality and resolution with the best contrast ratios but are pricier, heavier, and may cause motion blur. So, which projector technology is best?
IT之家2 月 26 日消息,PS3 模拟器 RPCS3 的安卓移植工作有了新进展,新项目名为 RPCS3-Android,由 RPCS3 模拟器的创始人之一 DH 主导开发。DH 在 2011 年参与创立了 RPCS3 项目,并为其代码基础奠定了基石。2016 年,他离开了该项目,转而投身于 PS4 模拟器 RPCSX 的开发。
Other co-writers include Tori Amos, Billy Ocean, the Clash, Blur/Gorillaz's Damon Albarn, and Annie Lennox. The track listings spell out the message: "The British government must not legalise ...
DH, one of the founders of the PS3 emulator RPCS3, is now working on an Android port. Interest in PS3 emulation on Android has been on the rise due to aPS3e, a legally dubious RPCS3 port using ...
If the link is not working, try using the right mouse button/save link target as... You can only log in once at a time on a download server. If you want to download a ...
You’re changing the world of music. Your band’s tracks are the kind of art that redefines genres. That’s why you signed with a label that cares about creative freedom, right? You didn’t ...
Sony’s Motionflow XR helps keep fast-moving scenes smoother by reducing motion blur. This is useful, especially for watching sports and gaming at higher frame rates. For those who love older ...