And in the case of the male blue-lined octopus, his neurotoxin supply serves as a defensive mechanism against his mate. Sexual cannibalism is documented across a wide range of species ...
Sometimes, this trend is even labeled as a dating or mating crisis. Occasionally, explanations are given for this trend (e.g. men working or achieving less). Nevertheless, a central cause for this ...
One thing that all members in the animal kingdom have in common is the performance of mating rituals, some more complex than others – let’s explore the most remarkable animal mating rituals! The ...
Humans share this behavioural strategy with our closest living ape relatives – bonobos and chimpanzees. Now researchers, led by Durham University, UK, have undertaken what is thought to be one of the ...
IT之家3 月 5 日消息,华为 Mate 70 Pro 优享版手机今日 10 时 08 分正式开售,新机支持北斗卫星消息、红枫原色影像,售价 6199 元起。 12GB + 256GB 售价 6199 元 12GB + 512GB 售价 6699 元 华为 Mate 70 Pro 优享版手机在外观上、硬件配置等方面与常规版 Mate 70 Pro 基本一致 ...
An international team of scientists has found that bonobos and chimpanzees, our genetic cousins, use sexual behaviors to manage social tensions, resolve disagreements, and foster group cohesion.
Some chimpanzees seem to use sexual behaviour like genital rubbing to manage stressful situations, which shows they aren’t as different from hypersexual bonobos – our other closest living ape ...
Researchers from our Department of Psychology compared sexual behaviour within sanctuary-living bonobos and chimpanzees during times of social stress (such as after a fight or before competitive ...
This study presents a useful model of genetic drift by incorporating variance in reproductive success, aiming to address several apparent paradoxes in molecular evolution. However, some of the ...
Humans share this behavioural strategy with our closest living ape relatives – bonobos and chimpanzees. Now researchers, led by Durham University, UK, have undertaken what is thought to be one ...
It’s time, once again, for most of us in Arizona to be grateful we aren’t living with dogs adjusting to daylight savings time without knowing that is what’s going on. (People living on the ...