Narrow-body airliners (Single aisle, carrying 150-200 passengers): accounting for more than 70% of the world's total, the core models include Boeing 737, Airbus A320, and COMAC C919. Wide-body ...
据光大证券(维权)研报,截至25年2月,据不完全统计,中国商飞累计获得C919订单近1500架,其中确认订单累计近1000架。根据南方航空、中国国航 ...
就在国产民航飞机C919在试飞过程中进行调试的时候,网上出现了大片的冷嘲热讽的声音,这让C919在顶着巨大舆论压力的情况下,继续摸索前行。 在这些冷嘲热讽的舆论声音中,大部分都是国人自己发出的,还看不到国外网友发出的声音,可见国人的不自信 ...
22年12月9日,全球首架C919大型客机交付中国东航(600115),并于23年5月完成首次商飞。C919作为干线窄体客机,对比竞品波音737系列、空客A320系列,在气动布局、复材运用、经济性等方面具备显著的后发优势。此外,我国自主研发的宽体客机C929即将转入详细设计 ...
证券时报网讯,香港特区政府财政司司长陈茂波26日表示,今年一月,国家自主研发的C919飞机正式应用于香港与上海的定期航班,是内地以外地区的 ...
In a historic milestone for China’s aviation industry, the domestically developed Comac C919 recently completed its first international commercial flight from Shanghai to Hong Kong on January 1 ...
China’s first home-grown narrowbody aircraft, the C919, has taken another step towards proving its reliability, after handling a surge in flights during the Lunar New Year travel rush.
中国自主研发的C919大型客机,作为国内民航客机制造业的里程碑,不仅标志着中国在高端制造业领域的重大突破,还彰显出其在全球航空工业中的新兴力量。这款拥有自主知识产权的客机,其核心设计与关键技术均由中国团队主导,尽管目前仍有近半数的零部件 ...
Professor José R Penadés told the BBC that Google's tool reached the same hypothesis that his team had – that superbugs can create a tail that allows them to move between species. In simpler ...
2月20日,国航C919开始执飞北京-温州航线CA1567/8航班,该航线每周一、三、四、五、六执飞。这是继上海、杭州、武汉、成都 ...