很多消费电子技术的初衷也许为增加便利,然而有些技术对于用户来说,可就是越帮越忙了。近日,美国《连线》杂志评出12项比较“犯傻”的技术。照相机闪光灯高居榜首,苹果电视遥控器、CD/DVD盘、电热炉、电线等东西也榜上有名。那么株洲市民心目中最“傻”的技术是什么呢?“照相机闪光灯最没用,灯一闪,眼睛全闭上了。”湖南工业大学的陈同学抱怨说,他和朋友去KTV的时候,用闪光灯,很多时候不是“瞎子”就是红眼。不 ...
Vinyl and streaming may grab all the headlines, but CDs are still going strong – in fact, CD sales have seen an uptick in recent years, which is always good news to fans of physical formats. Whether ...
It can process almost all CD / DVD / BD image files, including ISO and BIN files. PowerISO provides an all-in-one solution. You can do everything with your ISO files and disc image files. PowerISO ...
If you see The directory name is invalid message, for USB/CD/DVD drive, you can try our recommended solutions and see if that helps to resolve the issue. This solution entails that you try ...