or hot water bottles. To avoid skin burns, the heat source should not exceed 108˚F. In addition to an external heat source, cold-stressed calves should be fed warm colostrum, milk, or electrolyte ...
Providing a balanced, high-quality milk replacer or pasteurized whole milk at consistent volumes and temperatures helps minimize digestive stress and supports calf development. “We want good growth, ...
In a recent webinar sponsored by the Dairy Cattle Welfare Council, he discussed one such study, which compared digestive development of calves in three feeding scenarios: Colostrum on Day 1, followed ...
A pair of comfy period-proof underwear designed to hold two tampons' worth of blood A pumice stone to remove limescale, hard ...
Enter the ultimate spring drink that is made with turmeric, nutmeg, and clove powder. Turmeric milk, combined with nutmeg and clove powder, is a powerful natural remedy that boosts immunity ...
Many people find comfort in drinking a warm glass of milk before going to bed. But adding black pepper and turmeric powder takes it to a new level. This blend does more than just soothe ...
What does ARMRA colostrum do for you? From better gut health to improved immunity, here’s how the viral supplement benefited ...
Having gone through several estrous cycles improves their chances of becoming pregnant in the first 20 days of that breeding season – on the first day if estrus synchronization and timed artificial ...
so you can enjoy the cafe experience in the comfort of your own home first thing in the morning or anytime you need a boost Easy to Make - Simply add cold water and ice to your iced tea powder mix ...
Hot water bottles, warm rocks, towels, compresses For a severely hypothermic person, rescue breathing can increase oxygen and provide internal heat. But they still may be alive in a "metabolic icebox" ...
Most water coolers produce humming noise while cooling or heating the water. But in those cases – like offices, meeting rooms, or small libraries - where noise levels are a serious concern, finding ...