Whether you have one of these metabolic conditions or not, there are lots of reasons to eat more whole, plant-based foods, ...
“Malolactic fermentation (MLF) is a bacterial fermentation that converts malic acid to lactic acid, which is softer in ...
Six high school students at the Alabama School of Math and Science are taking science to the sea. They are students from all ...
Dentists explain how much is safe to consume for your teeth and how to make your sparkling water habit a little bit healthier ...
But you may have heard that the carbonation in sparkling water can have harmful effects on your teeth by eroding your tooth ...
In 2006, by the time scientist Sarah Cooley finished graduate school in marine science, oyster larvae in the Pacific ...
Dr. Moncayo explained that, unfortunately, sparkling water is not just like flat water when it comes to our dental health.
I was super curious about why carbonation affects our teeth, and thankfully, Dr. Moncayo explained that, too. "Carbonic acid, ...
This condition, which often occurs during medical events such as heart failure, can also cause acute altitude sickness; ...
A tourist in Yellowstone sparked the internet's ire after sharing a video of someone walking off the boardwalk at Mammoth Terraces.
Berikut adalah risiko ibu hamil minum soda yang perlu bumil ketahui. Dampaknya bahaya tidak untuk ibu hamil dan janin?
Smart citations by scite.ai include citation statements extracted from the full text of the citing article. The number of the statements may be higher than the number of citations provided by ACS ...