By Dr. Lucy Fuller, Chief Veterinary Officer and the past President of the Association of Shelter Veterinarians.
A new task force is helping to draft a bill that would authorize a trap-neuter-return policy to help control Guam's stray dog ...
IOWA CITY, Iowa (KCRG) - The Johnson County Humane Society is working to trap, neuter, and return (TNR) the county’s wild cats to prevent the overpopulation that comes with surges of kittens in ...
When it comes to cat overpopulation, Stanislaus County nonprofits are calling for help. Megan Scoullar, director of adoption ...
Everybody needs a night out to prowl. And so ravers and cataholics alike were in catnip heaven last weekend when they ...
North Hempstead is one of three Long Island towns that do not have a cat shelter or a contract with a shelter that accepts cats.