California's fishing fleet depends on catching Chinook salmon. Low population numbers could lead regulators to shut down or sharply limit fishing this year.
Epic battles with "monster salmon" and ingenious ways to catch eels are some of the stories of the River Wye that have been ...
Now is the time to catch steelhead in the St. Joseph River. Steelhead should be running strong in the river for the next ...
William Smith has long fished the California coast for salmon, taking avid anglers out on his boat in hopes they'll get to wrestle with and reel in the prized catch. But not anymore. Smith, known as ...
Alaska salmon that begin their lives in hatcheries and are released to the sea as fingerlings, return home as adults and ...
There is trouble on the horizon in the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido, where poor fishing conditions triggered by global ...
The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government.
The children touched them and took photos. In 2009, when the salmon catch peaked, the district netted more than 100 a day. That number has now dwindled to only a few. A family participates in the ...
Almost all the salmon caught on the River Tweed were released back into the water as part of conservation efforts The salmon catch on one of Scotland's most popular fishing rivers has hit the ...
Within the net, divers saw shoals of salmon, fully grown after several years on the high seas. A recent fishery catch report says 352,313 heads of salmon were caught in Rausu as of the end of ...