NGINX Agent runs as a companion process on a system running NGINX. It provides gRPC and REST interfaces for configuration management and metrics collection from the NGINX process and operating system.
在现代Web开发中,跨域问题几乎是每位开发者都必须面对的难题。由于浏览器的同源策略(Same-Origin Policy),许多情况下,即便后端API通畅,前端请求却依然会受到限制,导致许多开发者在调试过程中感到困惑。本文将深入解析跨域的多种解决方案,让每位开发 ...
能隐藏真实接口地址(安全加分)。 适用场景:Spring Cloud Gateway、Kong等API网关。 和Nginx思路类似,但更适合微服务场景,直接在网关层加CORS配置。 allowed-methods:"*" allowed-headers:"*" 适用场景:实时通信需求(聊天室、股票行情)。 WebSocket协议没有跨域限制(因为 ...
This repository provides a Docker-based environment for running and managing Pimcore, a leading open-source digital experience platform (DXP). It enables developers to quickly set up, develop, and ...