Many prefer a flowing abaya robe, worn with a hijab headscarf and often a face covering as well – sometimes a medical mask, or a Saudi-style cloth niqab veil that exposes only the eyes. “The new ...
Young, urban women in Afghanistan are increasingly ditching the all-enveloping blue burqa with a face mesh that has become a ...
Unless Kashmir rises from its cloistered and violent baggage of Islamism and embraces modernity, all the splendid roads, tunnels, and railway bridges being built now will not lead it to a peaceful and ...
With the advent of the holy month of Ramadhan, women in the Sultanate of Oman renew their interest in traditional fashion ...
Fear of cotton balls is also known as sidonglobophobia. Another term for the condition is bambakophobia, from the Greek bambaki, which means "cotton," and phobos, which means deep dread or fear. In ...
Urban growth has paved over many cotton fields, pushing them out of Maricopa County to other parts of Arizona. In Arizona, cotton yields are five times higher than a century ago as farmers learn ...
Opt for silk, georgette, or cotton fabrics with intricate embroidery ... For a modest yet festive look, an embroidered abaya with delicate chikankari, sequins, or beadwork adds a touch of elegance.
Senator Tom Cotton, a staunch Republican from Arkansas, is facing criticism for his alleged connections to the International Republican Institute (IRI), a non-governmental organization (NGO ...