Martin's daughter, Emma, takes up a night watch job to figure out what happened to her parents almost thirty years ago; a meeting with Wörmer in his cell pulls the serial killer out of his coma and se ...
本报记者 齐志明 耿 磊 张艺开 《人民日报》(2025年03月10日 第 07 版) “买下这台一级能效空调,我享受到了1600元的国家补贴和1000元的商家补贴,商家上门回收旧空调时还付了500元的收旧款。”湖南省株洲市天元区居民刘元珍算了算账,“新空调外观时尚 ...
For “ick”, you see, is what people say after a revolting experience like finding a fly in the soup. They literally go: “Ick” or “Eww”. Hence, by extension and figuratively, any unpleasant experience ...
两周前,Figure 宣布停止与 Open AI 的联姻,并丢下一个预告,将会未来 30 天内推出“人形机器人上从未见过的东西”。 勾起不少人好奇心的 Figure ...
Figure AI表示,Helix是首款能对整个人形机器人上半身(包括头部、躯干、手腕和手指)进行高频率、连续控制的视觉-语言-动作(VLA)模型。通过直接 ...