From the boldest reds, oranges and yellows to vibrant shades of greens, pinks and purples and some pastels and neutrals, too, the shelves at Sewickley Yarns are filled. For those who knit or crochet, ...
The technique of employing a crochet hook and yarn to create detailed, pleasing designs serves as a great way to unwind and calm oneself. Irrespective of your proficiency, having appropriate tools ...
Everything I make is made out of yarn. Yarn bombing is when you take a piece of crochet or knit and you wrap it around something, usually outside. I think it's great, because it takes that craft ...
The popularity of crochet in North America can be attributed to European immigration in the early nineteenth century.
"We’re getting the grannys to make the granny squares, but turning it into something funky. Creatively, there’s just so much ...