Great recipes require the perfect combination of ingredients—biotechnology recipes are no exception. Researchers from Osaka ...
Promoter sequences are DNA sequences that define where transcription of a gene by RNA polymerase begins. Promoter sequences are typically located directly upstream or at the 5' end of the ...
In addition, regulatory sites on prokaryotic DNA are typically located close to transcription promoter sites — and this plays an important part in gene expression. For an example of how this ...
Genetic engineering in non-human primates has long been limited by the need for virus-based gene delivery methods. Recently, ...
Researchers at University of Tsukuba have developed a vector that integrates the Cre enzyme gene with the specific DNA ...
Researchers have engineered yeast to efficiently convert methanol into D-lactic acid, a key compound for biodegradable plastics and pharmaceuticals. By optimizing gene and promoter combinations, they ...
Researchers from Osaka Metropolitan University have discovered the ideal genetic “recipe” to turn yeast into a tiny yet powerful eco-friendly factory that converts methanol into D-lactic acid.
There is no discernable significant homology between human and either chicken or zebrafish insulin promoters, which is in keeping with the view that most human DNA is not alignable to species ...
Just like other transcription factors, HSF5 binds to DNA promoters to regulate gene expression. What distinguishes HSF5 is its unique target specificity. The research revealed that the DNA motif ...
While previous research had described bidirectional promoters in eukaryotes ... widespread feature conserved across all three domains of life. In eukaryotic cells, DNA winds around histone ... Jack is ...