Empathy allows us to understand the experiences ... Insensitivity on your part can stigmatize their emotional responses. These words disconnect people from who they are and criticize one of ...
Musk said the quote in question within the context of a longer exchange on the subject, which is transcribed below (we've ...
Your dad has a sense of humour, but not so much that you could give him a card with a rude T-word splattered across the front. And when it comes to empathy cards it's a whole different ball game.
Unchecked empathy could strain systems from healthcare to justice.
begins a series of discussions on the key words in society, tracing the historical contexts which helped shape their contemporary meanings. Empathy is the first in this series.
After a life of virtue, empathy has been cast into the street by an array of billionaires, psychologists, evangelicals.
Any views or opinions expressed in this column are of the individual, group, or entity who submitted it and not the ...