Abstract: This paper optimizes the covert deception effects on UAV GPS/INS integrated navigation systems by combining spatial information entropy (SIE) and maximum entropy reinforcement learning (MERL ...
But the food tasted freshly fried, clean and not too greasy or salty, unlike a lot of coffee shop cai fan stalls. While it may not win the tastiest cai png award, at S$7 with an unlimited portion, it ...
Dining out can be expensive these days, especially for office workers looking for a filling lunch daily. Even ordering economical rice can give us a mini heart attack when we get the bill, but there ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the sun, when colliding, can generate powerful geomagnetic storms, impacting Earth's magnetic field and causing disruptions to ...
More recently, in “King Thor,” an elderly version of the thunder god sacrificed himself to stop universal entropy, passing his legacy to his granddaughters. Each of these deaths has ...
Rowan, Hazel, Oakley and Birch; the names of the trees evoke the spirits of the forest in My Budding Entropy, a lyrical examination of society’s adherence to the gender binary and just how ...
Yunnan Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Materials and Devices, National Center for International Research on Photoelectric and Energy Materials, School of Materials and Energy, Yunnan University, ...
Its over-reliance on virtual sessions is unhelpful in a region with variable internet connectivity. PNG, with the lion’s share of the PEV quotas, should certainly have an in-country office. Comments ...
A close-up of a highly structured self-folding knit, where carefully designed stitch patterns create a repeating wave-like geometry. This fabric’s shape is dictated entirely by its stitch ...