乌克兰表示准备接受由美国斡旋达成的停火协议后,市场情绪有所改善,利用信用违约掉期为欧元信用违约提供保险的成本下降,“乌克兰接受停火协议具有积极影响,”CMC Markets的Jochen Stanzl在一份报告中称。 但俄罗斯尚未同意该协议。
【高盛、摩根大通等华尔街投行持续看好欧洲军工股前景】财联社3月12日电,受美国总统特朗普威胁“放弃保护”欧洲、欧盟“重新武装欧洲” (ReArm Europe)一揽子计划等因素影响,近期德国坦克和弹药生产商莱茵金属公司(Rheinmetall AG)、意大利莱昂纳多公司(Leonardo SpA)和瑞典萨博公司(Thales ...
埃马纽埃尔·马克龙总统警告说,俄罗斯已经成为法国和欧洲的明显威胁,欧洲必须在国防和安全方面做出重大决定。 In a televised address, he said Europe had to be prepared for the ...
The Hungarian facility aims to leverage FiberHome's expertise in the fiber optic cable industry to establish a high-end optical communication manufacturing hub in Europe. The site will integrate ...
Os líderes da UE endossaram o plano ReArm Europe e concordaram em ativar a cláusula de salvaguarda nacional do Pacto de ...
期刊简介《欧亚研究》(Europe-Asia Studies)为每年出刊10期的学术期刊,由Routledge代表格拉斯格大学中东欧研究部门(University of ...
Scopri la proposta di Elly Schlein per un'Europa più giusta e sostenibile, con investimenti nei settori sociali e ambientali.
European Union (EU) leaders on Thursday greenlighted plans to enhance the bloc's defense capabilities and reaffirmed their ...
伦敦 - 摩根大通欧洲中东非洲证券公司(JPMorgan Emerging Europe, Middle East & Africa Securities plc,LSE:JEMA)宣布撤回原定于2025年3月7日举行的年度股东大会(AGM)上的两项重要决议。这两项决议分别为第9号和第10号决议,涉及授权董事配发新股份以及取消优先认购权。
财中社3月6日电 汇丰控股(00005)发布公告,2025年3月5日,公司在伦敦证券交易所回购股份175万股,回购金额为1629万英镑;在CBOE Europe – BXE回购股份77万股,回购金额为714万英镑;在CBOE Europe – ...
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the southern part of China has continued its transformation from a manufacturing hub to a global innovation center, boasting eight industrial clusters ...
PARIS, March 5 (Xinhua) -- French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Wednesday that he has decided to open strategic discussions with European allies on potential nuclear protection.