Pokemon Go has unveiled its March Community Day Classic event, which centers around Totodile. Here is everything you need to know.
Evolution is the process of heritable change in populations of organisms over multiple generations. Evolutionary biology is the study of this process, which can occur through mechanisms including ...
Modern society may feel restrictive and too structured for people with ADHD. But what does the research say about how people lived with ADHD in the ancient past? For people with attention deficit ...
SINGAPORE – During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in April 2020, fitness enthusiast Anselm Chelliah and his wife Rina Chan wanted to exercise at home and also help their friends stay fit.
If you battle and defeat Sierra right now, you have an opportunity to catch a shadow Ralts, which does have a chance to appear in its Shiny form. Ralts is always the first Pokémon Sierra uses ...
Special shout-outs to Go Hub and Leekduck for help with these details. What is Field Research in Pokemon Go? Field Research is a series of tasks that are obtained by spinning a PokeStop or Gym ...
Get your very own GO Hub t-shirt, mug, or tote. Your #1 Resource for Everything Pokémon GO. Stay updated with the latest Pokémon GO news, events, raid strategies, and top tier guides. Join a community ...
On top of that, there are 48 different Mega Evolutions that some Pokémon can evolve into during battle, granting radically new appearances and abilities for a limited time. Plus, there are 32 ...
Jiro Sasumo’s collection of full art cards based on the Ralts evolution line depicts the inseparable bond between a Pokemon and its trainer. The first card shows a woman moving into a new home ...