中化新网讯 2月20日,在位于长兴岛的上海中远海运重工码头,全球首艘安装有碳捕集和封存装置的海上浮式生产储油卸油船(FPSO)宣布建造完毕并现场命名为“Agogo FPSO”,计划于本月底交付开航。 “Agogo FPSO”是上海中远海运重工承接的第七艘FPSO,也是上海 ...
The SeaRose FPSO is now back in business at the White Rose oilfield in the Newfoundland offshore. The massive floating production storage and offloading vessel recently returned to this side of the ...
PETALING JAYA: MISC Bhd could potentially register further impairments for its floating, production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) Mero 3 in the near term. According to AmInvestment Bank ...
U.K.-based oil and gas company Dana Petroleum has terminated the agreement with NEO Energy for the proposed sale of the Western Isles floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, which ...
The Alexandre de Gusmao floating production, storage and offloading vessel has arrived at the giant Mero pre-salt field in Brazil’s prolific Santos basin, as it prepares to begin operations for ...
To facilitate the visualization of data models based on CIDOC CRM and its extensions when using the diagrams.net tool. diagrams.net libraries is a collection of custom shape library files (.xml) of ...
3日,全球首艘安装海上碳捕集和封存(CCS)装置的海上浮式生产储油卸油船——Agogo FPSO在上海交付。这一项目是全球首个具有燃烧后碳捕集功能的海上浮式石油生产存储平台(FPSO),为全球FPSO行业技术领先项目,也是全球目前最环保FPSO之一。
导读:3月3日凌晨,全球首艘配备海上碳捕集和封存(CCS)装置的浮式生产储卸油船(FPSO)——“AGOGO FPSO”号,在上海中远海运重工7号码头顺利起航。这艘无动力FPSO在1条主拖轮和6条辅助拖轮的协助下,缓缓驶离码头 3月3日凌晨,全球首艘配备海上碳捕集和 ...
Karoon Energy Ltd is acquiring the Cidade de Itajaí floating production, storage and offloading facility (FPSO), the production facility for Karoon’s 100 percent owned Baúna Project in the ...
EnerMech has been selected to carry out pre-commissioning work on the ONE GUYANA FPSO for Guyana Deepwater Operations, SBM Offshore’s subsidiary in Guyana. The FPSO is set to arrive in Guyanese waters ...
Its departure marks a key milestone following the floater’s christening two weeks ago. The Agogo FPSO is scheduled to achieve first oil in September from Block 15/06 offshore Angola, which is ...
The FPSO is the 222,000 barrel-per-day Prosperity (built 2023). The two South American countries have clashed diplomatically over who owns the 160,000 square kilometre oil-rich Essequibo region.