Carpenter bees bore round holes into wood siding and rails. Here's how to identify them and keep them from doing serious ...
14.6-Million-Year-Old Fossil of a Female Bee Well Preserved in Organic Mudstone Discovered, Oldest Bee Specimen Bees are mostly seen buzzing around and working hard to turn nectar from flowers ...
The orchid accomplishes its sexual deception by mimicking the appearance, scent, and even the tactile experience of a female bee. The flower, in other words, traffics in something very much like ...
Some orchids, however, appear to offer the promise of sex: They have evolved to resemble female versions of certain insects. The pseudo-copulation strategy of the orchid enables it to spread its ...
In urban and suburban settings, they will even create homes in fences and in the walls of sheds and homes. To build their nests, the female bee must excavate the substrate material and provision the ...