少数派派友 LOSSES是开源音乐播放器项目 Rune(符石聆音)的发起者和主理人,同时也是一位脑科学研究者,更是一名经过了临床认定的 ADHD(注意力缺陷多动障碍)患者。 ADHD 对于代码构建而言几乎完全是 debuff,打代码时走神、遇到难实现的功能时思路容易走死 ...
Rune brings a singular focus to solving contested logistics problems and looks to enable end-to-end supply webs from the front line to the Pentagon. Rune’s cofounders David Tuttle and Peter ...
Depending on your class, you’ll need different materials to craft better gear. For example, Warriors craft better heavy armor using ores like Copper and Iron. Archers use Leather from animals ...
When it comes to games like Runescape, we're looking for three things: depth, challenge, and replayability. The cult classic MMORPG has been around since 2001, developer Jagex striking gold with ...
Nearly all Classes in Rune Slayer can tame a few non-threatening creatures, but the Beast Slayer specializes in domesticating massive beasts. This subclass is attained by following the Archer ...
When you crate your first character in Rune Slayer, you will automatically be given a random race. While you can’t change this race (without paying Robux), it’s still important to know what ...
Rune Slayer is an action RPG title set in an unforgiving world where you must battle dark forces and emerge victorious. This experience takes cues from the Fantasy MMORPG genre as a whole ...
Evidence of runic writing exists from the Roman Iron Age and the Viking era, but researchers have puzzled for years over exactly when runes originated. The enigmatic, spidery markings have ...