Elon Musk's tirade about the embezzlement conviction of extremist politician Marine Le Pen has garnered millions of views in ...
PARIS (AP) — For years, Marine Le Pen stood at the gates of power — poised, relentless and rising. She stripped the French ...
Le Pen said she would appeal and asked that the court proceedings take place before the 2027 French presidential campaign.
Marine Le Pen is now a convicted criminal whose political power should not be underestimated.
Convicted of embezzlement and slapped with a five year ban on running for public office, where does arch-conservative Marine ...
French far-right leader Le Pen has been sentenced to a five-year ban on running for public office, a major political ...
SAGE, the restaurant which opened last January at The Historic White House, 2900 S. Kinnickinnic Ave., has closed its doors ...
Marine Le Pen has been trying to normalize the National Rally in recent years, but may be tempted to wreak havoc after her guilty verdict.
The court ruling was a political as well as a judicial temblor for France, hobbling one of the leading contenders to succeed ...
The far-right figurehead has been barred from running for public office for five years, throwing her plans into disarray.