Forza Horizon 5 is one of the most visually stunning and content-rich open-world racing games. With a massive map set in ...
We've tested everything from elite Dolby Atmos soundbars to cheap and simple TV sound upgrades, and these are the best. One of the best soundbars is essential if you’ve invested in a big TV and ...
A great sound system can transform your movies, games, and music into a truly immersive audio experience. Whether it's soundbars, subwoofers, or speakers, you can turn your living room into a mini ...
Some car collectors may have been puzzled by something that began happening earlier this decade: Out of nowhere, examples of the R34-generation Nissan Skyline GT-R suddenly started popping up for ...
Regardless of Nissan’s future, this final generation of GT-R will go down in the history books as one of Nissan’s most interesting products—and a sound successor to the string of popular ...
从此,“战神”之名不胫而走,GT-R也成为了高性能跑车的代名词。 尽管随后的第四代GT-R R33在舒适性上有所提升,但这一改变并未赢得所有车迷的认可。市场对R33的反馈呈现出两极分化的态势,销量也因此受到影响。日产意识到,作为“战神”的GT-R,必须坚守 ...
Nissan has confirmed that order books for the R35 GT-R supercar have closed with production ending once the remaining orders are filled. A successor is confirmed, but could be at least three years ...
The GT-R has lived a long life following its initial debut at the 2007 Tokyo Motor Show. In the years since, it has received several updates, including facelifts in 2010 , 2016 and 2023 .
1995年,日产推出第四代GTR R33。由于在开发初期,研发团队出现决策失误,选择偏重舒适的轿车底盘。GTR R33上市后,市场反馈呈现出两极分化的态势,一部分消费者对R33 的舒适性和外观设计给予肯定,认为R33在保持一定性能的同时,提升日常驾驶的舒适性 ...
IT之家3 月 2 日消息,日产已确认 GT-R R35 汽车将结束生产,已停止接受该车型的订单,并在其官网发布声明: 我们已经收到了大量关于 Nissan GT-R 的订单,在完成所有已规划的生产任务后,我们将不再接受新的订单。在此,我们由衷感谢自 2007 年车型发布以来 ...
After almost 20 years on sale, Nissan finally closed the order books on its flagship GT-R sports car this week. The R35 GT-R first premiered back in 2007, but Nissan gradually began ending sales ...
Watch the legendary Nissan Skyline GTR R33 take on a thrilling drifting challenge with precision slides and raw power! Experience the adrenaline of high-speed drifts, smoky burnouts, and epic control.