基于转录组学探讨欧前胡素改善乳腺癌多柔比星耐药的机制李意婷1,董伟2,梁新丽2,王虎1,邱雨美1,丁小云1,张浩1,鲍会云1,李娴晰1,汤喜兰1(1.江西科技师范大学药学院;2.江西中医药大学现代中药制剂教育部重点实验室)摘要 ...
This month's cover highlights the article Nup358 restricts ER-mitochondria connectivity by modulating mTORC2/Akt/GSK3β signalling by Joseph, Misha Kalarikkal and colleagues. The image shows a human ...
2025年2月18日,一篇新的研究论文发表在Oncotarget,第16卷,题为“端粒酶永生人类细胞中强大的p53表型和潜在的下游靶标”。 2025年2月18日,《Oncotarget》杂志第16卷发表了一篇题为“端粒酶永生化人类细胞中稳健的p53表型及潜在下游靶点”的研究论文。来自西德尼 ...
MANILA – The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (Peza) has approved P52.93 billion worth of investment pledges in the first two months of the year. PEZA reported Tuesday that its investment ...
Figure 8: Regulation of ALDH3A1 and NECTIN4 by p53. Researchers Jessica J. Miciak, Lucy Petrova, Rhythm Sajwan, Aditya Pandya, Mikayla Deckard, Andrew J. Munoz, and Fred Bunz from the Sidney ...
A new research paper was published in Oncotarget, Volume 16, on February 18, 2025, titled "Robust p53 phenotypes and prospective downstream targets in telomerase-immortalized human cells.
One such mechanism involves a protein called p53. Often dubbed the "guardian of the genome," this protein plays a pivotal role in ensuring that your cells grow, divide and die in an orderly fashion.
2021 Feb 4;10(2):241. Knockout of the RAS endoprotease RCE1 accelerates myeloid leukemia by downregulating GADD45b. Karlsson C, Akula MK, Staffas A, Cisowski J, Sayin VI, Ibrahim MX, Lindahl P, Bergo ...
Methods: The Cancer Genome Atlas, Gene Expression Omnibus datasets, and clinical samples were used to examine the correlation between growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible 45 beta (GADD45B) with ...
Hepatoblastoma (HB) is the most common liver tumor in the pediatric population, with typically poor outcomes for advanced-stage or chemotherapy-refractory HB patients. The objective of this study was ...