The Pincode 591306 of Ghataprabha RS P.O. represents Ghataprabha RS post office in Belgaum revenue district which comes under the Karnataka postal circle of North Karnataka region.
Ghataprabha river water released for drinking supply in Belagavi; Minister urges conservation, ends after 6 days.
What is the distance between Ghataprabha and Agra Cantonment? The distance between Ghataprabha and Agra Cantonment is approximately 1753 kilometers. Trains leaving Ghataprabha arrives at Agra ...
Medindia's healthcare directory has information on 2 Doctors from Ghataprabha, Karnataka. Medindia is India's largest online medical website that enables you to choose from a network of well ...
Disclaimer: The information provided herein, including PIN code and post-office-related details, is for information purposes only. While publishing PIN codes and other associated information, NDTV ...
India has 29 states with at least 720 districts comprising of approximately 6 lakh villages, and over 8200 cities and towns. Indian postal department has allotted a unique postal code of pin code ...
India has 29 states with at least 720 districts comprising of approximately 6 lakh villages, and over 8200 cities and towns. Indian postal department has allotted a unique postal code of pin code ...
The projects include Tungabhadra left bank canal, Ghataprabha right bank main canal, Indi canal of the Upper Krishna Project, Malaprabha canal expansion, renovation, and modernisation, and Sonthi ...