Marbeth’s Carolina wren gives us a nice opportunity to look closely at this bird because in the future more and more readers ...
Rehabilitators rebuild owl nest. The problem is, returning the baby back to its parents would require a 30-foot climb up the ...
Baby great horned owl's nest was destroyed, so wildlife experts found nest in Canal Winchester for baby owl to get care by ...
Larose is the San Diego Humane Society's Wildlife Operations Manager. After determining the baby bird was OK, they wanted to ...
With spring officially upon us, local hikers and outdoor enthusiasts have a much greater chance of coming upon orphaned or ...
Tuesday night’s storm could prove a death sentence for some baby tree squirrels and great ... knocking babies to the ground and putting them at risk for injury, hypothermia and death,” said ...
More than a dozen abandoned and boarded up homes are being torn to the ground on Indian Road and Rosedale Avenue after the ...
With the help of West Coast Arborists, the other two baby owls are back home, 50 feet up in a Eucalyptus tree. The team could ...
The young owl was brought to San Diego Humane Society’s Bahde Wildlife Center by a compassionate member of the community, who ...