With several child care bills in the legislature failing in 2025, what will the future of child care look like in the state?
Former Sen. Alan K. Simpson of Wyoming has died at age 93. Simpson died early Friday. A political moderate by current ...
We do not protect children, adolescents, or students by denying them access to books. We harm them, and our country, writes a ...
Forget the three seasons at Texas Tech. Forget the award he received as the Tampa Bay Rays' minor-league pitcher of the year in 2022, and forget ...
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "Kudos to Secretary of State, Chuck Gray for tirelessly pushing the legislature to fulfill ...
Idaho Gov. Brad Little signed House Bill 40 into law Thursday, reducing income tax rates and expanding exemptions.
Montana is home to Glacier National Park, and 30 years ago, the park had about a million visitors a year. Nowadays, the park ...
Sen. Jim Banks led a letter to state lawmakers urging support of House Bill 1531, which passed the House last month.
A House Bill which could jail librarians resuscitates fears and frustration once harbored during Rapid City Area Schools' book ban controversy.
3月5日是全国第62个“学雷锋纪念日”,也是第26个“中国青年志愿者服务日”。这一天,不仅是纪念,更是行动;不仅是回顾,更是启程。助老抚幼、扶贫济困、应急救援、环境保护……潍坊的青年志愿者们用脚步丈量责任、用行动诠释担当,将奉献、友爱、互助、进步的志 ...
A majority of Secretary of State Chuck Gray’s election integrity bills died Friday night after failing to pass first reading ...