赫布理论概述 在深入分析之前,先了解一下赫布理论——它揭示了人脑学习的基本机制。赫布理论(Hebbian Theory)是由加拿大心理学家唐纳德·赫布(Donald Hebb)在1949年提出的,主要描述的是神经元之间如何通过重复刺激而增强其连接。换句话说,当某个神经元 ...
Using modern portfolio theory, investors can build portfolios that maximize return for a given level of risk or minimize risk for a desired level of return. Since its introduction by Henry ...
which are formalized using a general theory that includes non-linear resonance and Hebbian plasticity. First, we review the developmental literature on musical rhythm, highlighting several ...
To rapidly process information, neural circuits have to amplify specific activity patterns transiently. How the brain performs this nonlinear operation remains elusive. Hebbian assemblies are one ...
As a result of Hebbian learning of the correlation structure of symbol, perception and action information, distributed cell assembly circuits emerged across various cortices of the network. These ...