Mike Huckabee, President Donald Trump's nominee to be ambassador to Israel, has been maligned for past statements about the Middle East.
A new maggid shiur is joining the dedicated hanhala at Suffield Yeshiva for the upcoming Yeshiva year; The Zal has also opened registration.
Alef Aeronautics released a video of its Model Zero prototype flying over a parked car on a public road in California, marking the first real-world test of the design concept. “This drive and ...
这大概是我最近这几年见过的,最抽象的汽车了,没有之一。 就在前几天,一家名叫 ALEF 的美国初创公司发布了一段视频,表示自家的飞行汽车 Model A 已经成功试飞,并由此成为了业内首个能够垂直起降的飞行汽车。 是的你没看错,垂直起降。 在 ALEF 公布的 ...
国泰君安发布研报称,美国Alef Aeronautics公司成功在城市环境中,对其飞行汽车Model A的原型车完成了测试,顺利实现了垂直起降以及跨越障碍等一 ...
Automotive and aviation company Alef Aeronautics successfully tested its Model Zero Ultralight flying car. The car was able to hover in the air for 40 seconds. However, strict restrictions on ...
California’s Alef Aeronautics made history recently when it debuted the world’s first electric flying car. The company first came together in 2015 after the idea to build a real-life flying car was ...
本文来自微信公众号:差评X.PIN (ID:chaping321),作者:致命空枪,编辑:脖子右拧&面线,题图来自:ALEF 这大概是我最近这几年见过的,最抽象的汽车了,没有之一。 就在前几天,一家名叫ALEF的美国初创公司发布了一段视频,表示自家的飞行汽车Model A已经 ...
就在前几天,一家名叫 ALEF 的美国初创公司发布了一段视频,表示自家的飞行汽车 Model A 已经成功试飞,并由此成为了业内首个能够垂直起降的飞行 ...
Full Story, Photos The 3rd through 8th grade girls gathered in the Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Margate, Florida for a memorable mother-daughter event in honor of Chof Beis Shvat and to celebrate the ...
Last week, a real-life flying car took to the skies over California. The test flight of the Model Zero—a drive-and-fly prototype built by San Mateo, California-based Alef Aeronautics—lasted ...
Alef Aeronautics has broken new ground with an electric flying car capable of vertical takeoff and forward flight. Olivia Palamountain reports Alef Aeronautics has emerged as a pioneer in the nascent ...