The U.K.’s antitrust authority has given the go-ahead to IBM’s planned multibillion-dollar acquisition of infrastructure software company HashiCorp. In a brief case update published today ...
Exclusive IBM Consulting wants employees to know they're not all created equally, a point it intends to reflect in a "closer alignment between pay and performance." This is according to an internal ...
The fall and rise of IBM: How CEO Arvind Krishna’s shocking policy created a $242-b empire IBM Chairman and CEO Arvind Krishna: His ready-to-be-fired philosophy created a fresh mindset among ...
Submarine debris flows are events that occur with great frequency on a geological scale and can cause major damage to offshore structures or even loss of human life. Understanding the mechanisms ...
Visual field maps in human early extrastriate areas (V2 and V3) are traditionally thought to form mirror-image representations which surround the primary visual cortex (V1). According to this scheme, ...
Both thrombolytic and endovascular therapies are optimal treatment options for patients with acute ischemic stroke, but only less than half of these patients can benefit from these treatments.