CoreWeave, an artificial intelligence startup backed by Nvidia NVDA.O, has signed a five-year contract worth $11.9 billion with OpenAI to provide cloud computing services ahead of its hotly ...
An initial public offering (IPO) represents a private company's first offering of its equity to public investors. This process is considered intensive and includes many regulatory hurdles to ...
Newsmax wants to hit the public markets. The cable and digital news company on Tuesday said it plans to go public later this month, in a press release saying it intends to raise up to $75 million ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
In a statement, Cuckoo said it will undertake an IPO of up to 365.36 million shares, which includes a public issue of 143.28 million new shares or 10% of the company enlarged issued share capital.
Digital physical therapy firm readies New York IPO California-based firm valued at $6.2 billion in 2021 funding round Morgan Stanley, Barclays and BofA Securities tapped as lead underwriters March ...
Seven & i said on Thursday that these changes aim to increase its focus on its c-store business and unlock shareholder value. But the c-store industry is no doubt wondering what a 7-Eleven IPO in ...
Cryptocurrency exchange Kraken is preparing for an initial public offering next year, according to Bloomberg. The IPO is expected to take place during the first quarter of 2026 and comes amid ...
HI Mobility—controlled by Malaysian oil and gas tycoon Lim Han Weng—is raising 115.9 million ringgit ($26.3 million) from its IPO to add electric buses to its fleet as the company gears up for ...
本文来自微信公众号:经济观察报 (ID:eeo-com-cn),作者:蔡越坤、牛钰,题图来自:AI生成 2月份以来,华东地区某知名券商的一位保荐代表人明显感受到IPO(首次公开发行)正在逐步走向常态化。 近期,他负责的一个拟IPO项目在交易所发审会获得审议通过后 ...
Jibi Jacob, MD and Head of Equity Capital Markets, Jefferies India said on March 7 said it won't be fair to single out IPO companies alone as a big cause of value destruction when the entire ...