今天思特威(SmartSens,股票代码:688213)宣布,其子公司飞凌微电子(Flyingchip®,以下简称“飞凌微”)正式推出AIoT应用系列首款高性能端侧视觉AI SoC芯片 —— A1。新品A1搭载了高性能AI ...
Country codes are unique identifiers assigned to nations for seamless global communication, trade, and digital services. They ...
In the era of smart homes, automation and integration are key to enhancing convenience and efficiency. Our project leverages the SIPEED MAIXDUINO… ...
Silicon Labs has unveiled the BG22L and BG24L SoCs for low-cost, ultra-low-power Bluetooth LE connectivity. These are Lite versions of the company’s BG22 and BG24 SoC families introduced in 2020 and ...
Organizations including Qualcomm and Wiliot have announced the formation of the Ambient IoT Alliance, a multi-standard ecosystem of ambient IoT manufacturers, suppliers, integrators, operators ...
Leading industry companies including Infineon, Intel, PepsiCo, and Qualcomm have joined together to form the Ambient IoT Alliance (AIoTA) to develop and scale energy-harvesting in battery-less IoT ...
本文将深入探讨IoT DC3的项目背景、架构设计、功能特性以及开源贡献方式,为物联网开发者们提供一份详尽的技术指南。 引言 在物联网(IoT)技术日新月异的今天,如何快速、高效地开发并部署物联网项目成为了开发者们关注的焦点。IoT DC3,作为一款基于Spring ...
The implications of IoT-equipped, AI/ML-enabled HVAC systems are high-impact in system performance, maintenance and operational costs. Source: Shevon/Adobe Stock Heating, ventilation and air ...
AttackIQ has released two new attack graphs that emulate the behaviors exhibited by the long-standing, financially motivated Russian criminal adversary known as FIN7 based on activities observed ...
💡An amazing spot of 80+ projects to step your foot into this ocean of "Internet Of things". Dive deep and explore the fiesta of electronics. Broaden your vision at a single go.😎 ...