人类的思想有可能了解其自身吗?也许可以,但却面临着重重困难,这也解释了为何心理学姗姗来迟。化学家和物理学家(也被称为“自然哲学家”)已经出现了几百年,然而第一个自称“心理学家”的人出现的时间距今还不到150 年。 那么,思维是什么样子的?它是如何工作的?我们有可能理解它吗?在16 世纪,法国哲学家勒内·笛卡儿认为身体和大脑只是机器,我们需要思维来思考、感受和做出决定。这个理论被称为笛卡儿二元论,它 ...
The issuing of contracts to calypsonians, the dress code and the marketing of Carnival are some things to be looked at closely according to the former head of the Carnival Organizing Committee, Alwin ...
Hunter is the 2013 Stardom Monarch of the Tent. He beat 17 other calypsonians to win the competition which was held on Wednesday night at Carnival City, singing his popular number “Another Mother’s ...