Saturn has seized the title of moon king. Astronomers have just discovered as many as 128 new moons orbiting Saturn. This ...
Using data collected by NASA's Juno spacecraft as it flew past Jupiter's highly volcanic moon Io in late 2023 and again in ...
Or perhaps more likely, look at under a microscope. The latest candidate for hosting nearby life is Jupiter’s moon, Io. Let’s take a look at what makes Io special, and what we might hope to ...
But it won't be a star that will be keeping the moon company on this early winter's evening, but the largest planet in the solar system: Jupiter. At mid-twilight, roughly 45 minutes after sundown ...
More pocked with craters than any other object in our solar system, Jupiter's outermost and second-biggest Galilean moon, Callisto, appears geologically unremarkable. In the 1990s, however ...
This week we continue to see the planets shuffle their way into our early evening night sky, with a Jupiter-Moon conjunction starting off a week that also sees a very bright Saturn become visible ...
New evidence from an old NASA mission supports the theory that Jupiter's moon Callisto is in fact an ocean world. Credit: NASA / JPL / DLR A moon of Jupiter about the size of Mercury likely has a ...
Jupiter’s moon Io, the most volcanically active body in the solar system, is littered with hundreds of erupting volcanoes. High-resolution images now reveal several dozen lava lakes, researchers ...
Research Fellow Dr. Babak Bakhit has encountered one of his most challenging projects to date—contributing to the European Space Agency's (ESA) JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) mission.
If you find Jupiter, you’ll likely see four small dots to the side of the gas giant: they are the Galilean moons, four of the 95 natural satellites around the Solar System’s largest planet.
That treat, a photo of the Jupiter moon Ganymede snapped on July 20, comes compliments of Juno's JIRAM, or Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper. Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, captured by the Juno probe just ...