The identified high-risk areas within the Ratnapura District include Eheliyagoda, Kiriella, Elapatha, Pelmadulla, Opanayake, Nivithigala, Kalawana, and Kalthota. Dr. Kannangara emphasized that if ...
According to the department, on the apparent northward relative motion of the sun, it is going to be directly over the latitudes of Sri Lanka from 05 to 15 April this year. The nearest areas of Sri ...
What if a part of Sri Lanka in the centuries before Christ had been named after a personage, a creature or a deity from the Celtic myth pool? We’d know that a people who were immersed in the Celtic ...
When kidney disease of uncertain origin (CKDU) appeared in the North-central province in the mid-1990s, some commentators hastened to claim that this was bio-terrorism associated with the Eelam wars.