Surgery to remove your stomach is called a gastrectomy. There are different types of gastrectomy. The type you have depends on the stage and position of your cancer. You might have: a subtotal or ...
Different types of abdominal surgery can treat a variety of conditions. After any abdominal surgery, once you have been cleared by the surgeon to participate in regular activities, an exercise regimen ...
Lumbar support in a mattress benefits everyone, not just those who suffer from back pain. The lumbar supports the bulk of your weight and helps you perform even the most basic movements.
从此次北京放开的L3级开始,就进入了自动驾驶的范畴,属于有条件自动驾驶,紧急情况下需要驾驶员接管车辆;而L4级和L5级则分别代表高度自动 ...
“全民智驾的时代确实已经来临。而且我们能够想象到,未来L3级自动驾驶、L4级无人驾驶等等这些都会比之前想象的更快,5年之内是有很大的可能 ...
南方财经全媒体集团全国两会报道组 巩兆恩 报道 “全民智驾的时代确实已经来临。而且我们能够想象到,未来L3级自动驾驶、L4级无人驾驶等等这些都会比之前想象的更快,5年之内是有很大的可能性的。”两会期间,全国人大代表、长安汽车董事长朱华荣在 ...
While there are no guarantees the operation will provide relief, there are lots of options. Learn as much as you can about back surgery ahead of time. The more you know, the better the choice you ...
Lumbar spinal stenosis self-care strategies including regular exercise, posture changes, and adopting healthy habits can help relieve back pain caused by narrowing spaces in the spinal canal. Lumbar ...
Disks are the round cushions that sit between the bones of your spine (vertebrae). They act like shock absorbers, and let you bend and move without your bones rubbing together. When one of the ...