缓解续航焦虑,是所有电动车都在努力攻克的一道难题。 近两年,随着电池容量不断增加,整车能耗不断下降,电动车的续航能力也有了长足的进步。 比如乐道L60和前不久刚上市的焕新版Model Y,都自称可以实现“开1000公里,只充/换电一次”。
近日,海外专业测试团队“Out of Spec Studios”对特斯拉焕新Model Y进行了深度静态评测。在经过详细检查和精细测量后,团队表示:“焕新Model Y的做工细节处理得极为出色,刷新了纯电动车的制造工艺水准!” ...
Tesla owners are very proud of their cars, and they want to keep the interior as protected as possible. Whether you own a Tesla Model 3 or a Model Y, spending money on high-quality floor mats is well ...
To say it’s surprising to spot a celebrity moonlighting as a runway model these days would be a bit of a lie. It’s almost a rite of passage for actors, singers, athletes, and It girls to do ...
The price range for the Tesla MODEL Y varies based on the trim level you choose. Starting at $55,900 and going to $82,900 for the latest year the model was manufactured. The model range is available ...
You can think of the Tesla Model Y as a Model 3 that’s been pumped full of growth hormone to give it a higher driving position and more room inside. And like the Model 3, the Model Y has now ...
【TechWeb】3月4日消息,据外媒报道,特斯拉1月10日在国内市场率先上线的焕新Model Y,已在上月26日开始交付,也是先于其他市场。 在国内市场率先 ...
【CNMO科技消息】3月4日,有博主放出了特斯拉焕新Model Y上市首周的销量数据。 该博主表示,特斯拉焕新Model Y首周交付6660台,累积两个月的订单池 ...
The Tesla Model Y and Model 3 have been recalled for an issue with their power-assisted steering system, which is being resolved with an over-the-air update.
The new Tesla Model Y has donned a couple of titles leading up to its official release. The initial rumors and leaks used the name ‘Juniper,’ while other news outlets simply called it an update or a ...