As high-profile plane crashes incite concern over aviation safety, data in Arizona show most accidents occurred in small ...
中国自主研制隐身战斗机“歼-35A”去年11月在珠海航展上首次亮相,引发关注。中国军事专家分析歼-35A性能时将其比喻为打篮球的“组织后卫”,既能自己得分,也能协同组织,调动其他人共同发起进攻。 中航工业沈阳所首席专家王永庆在上星期六(2月22日 ...
AMERICA has been plagued by a slew of unfortunate plane crashes and turbulence disasters that have so far killed dozens of ...
The report lays out how Learjet 35A owned by Mötley Crüe singer Vince Neil crashed into another aircraft after its landing gear appeared to fail, causing it to veer off the runway, killing a ...
The report lays out how Learjet 35A owned by Mötley Crüe singer Vince Neil crashed into another aircraft after its landing gear appeared to fail, causing it to veer off the runway, killing a pilot and ...