The anticipated movie - which is a sequel to the 2003 film Freaky Friday - sees Lindsay Lohan, 38, and Jamie Lee Curtis ... Ryan Malgarini, Haley Hudson and Christina Vidal Mitchell.
HUDSON — The Hudson City School District announced its Hudson Senior High School high honor, honor and merit roll members for the second quarter of the 2024-25 school year. To earn honor roll ...
According to the Arlington Fire District, crews responded to Raymond Avenue in Poughkeepsie on Thursday, March 13, where an SUV caught on fire. Upon arrival, firefighters worked quickly to contain the ...
Less than a month away from his last day as mayor of Cornwall-on-Hudson, Mayor James Gagliano is beginning to tie up some loose ends, as well as work with his apparent successor -- Trustee Jim Kane … ...
John Lee is a senior fellow at Hudson Institute. John Lee is a senior fellow at Hudson Institute. He is also a senior fellow (nonresident) at the United States Studies Centre and an adjunct professor ...
The merger would allow Hudson Middle to split into two locations while a permanent building is constructed. This story has been updated to reflect Engelhard Elementary' s location in Old Louisville.
New Jersey State Police say the bus driver traveled off the right side of the road, causing the bus to overturn.